Huwebes, Setyembre 12, 2013

Creation: c. 4004 B.C.

"In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth"-- Genesis 1:1

Many theories are believed to be the origin of the universe, and our existence.

Some believe:

1. big bang theory

2. others theorize that we came from another planet

3. Some say we evolved from pond scum

But for Christians, the better question is: "Who made us?".

The answer is very obvious to us, God formed man of the dust of the ground.. and He breathed into His nostrils the breath of life. Oh how precious we are to God that He made us into His own image.

Another question is WHEN. Scientists believe the world began in 4004 B.C. It is not written in the Bible.

Genesis 2:4 states the universe's history.

God created:

day 1- light and darkness (day and night)
day 2- heaven
day 3- seas and dry land, fruit trees
day 4- sun, moon and stars
day 5- sea creatures and birds
day 6- cattle, creeping things, beasts and man
day 7- God rested 


You and your child can make simple origami artwork showing the creation story. Paste your origami on sheets of paper which can be turned into your creation booklet.